Omiljeni brandovi koje ponosno predstavljamo ljubiteljima ljubimaca i domaćih životinja u našoj regiji.

Odaberite iz širokog izbora specijaliziranih super premium proizvoda, hrane za kućne ljubimce, poslastica i dodataka

Gradimo dugoročne suradnje. Svaki dan je važan, zato smo mi usmjereni na izgradnju odnosa uzajamnog povjerenja.
UNCONDITIONAL je poveznica potreba potrošača u našoj regiji i benefita proizvoda koje nude svjetski dobavljači.
Bruno Ljolje, dr.vet.med, Veterinarska klinika Buba
„Suradnja između veterinarske ambulante Buba i tadašnjeg ZOO HOBBY-ja počela je prije više od 20 godina. Kroz sve ove godine se pokazala kao vrlo uspješno partnerstvo, a razvilo se i čvrsto prijateljstvo naše dvije tvrtke. Veselimo se daljnjoj suradnji. “
Gordana Makar DMV , VA Vet Makar
„ Thanks to many years of my work experience, I had the opportunity to work with UNCONDITIONAL from its very beginnings. This cooperation continues even today and that says a lot of their professionalism, quality of services and products. I look forward to the years ahead. “
Krešimir Martinković, univ.mag.spec.med.vet., Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of University of Zagreb
„ In the last few years, I have increasingly relied on cooperation with UNCONDITIONAL and a wide range of quality products. I would especially emphasize professionalism, kindness and simple communication, which I know is not always mutual, but that's how we vets are. During that period, friendships were formed that I hope will last. The most important thing is that together we improved communication with the final users and gained their trust, all for the benefit of our four-legged family members, because without them there would be no us. “
Dr. Sanja Žagar, Veterinary Ambulance Delnice
„ Cooperation based on long-term trust is enhanced by constant investment in the professional development of us as veterinary staff. You are wonderful support for reaching new knowledge! “
Dr. Ivana Josić, Veterinary Ambulance Kutina
„ We have been bound by successful cooperation with UNCONDITIONAL for 2 years. During this period, we were delighted by the professionalism and friendliness of the employees, and we hope for long-term cooperation. “
Dr. Mirjana Legradi Gašparov, Veterinary Ambulance Đurđevac
„ We have been bound by successful cooperation with UNCONDITIONAL for 2 years. During this period, we were delighted by the professionalism and friendliness of the employees, and we hope for long-term cooperation. “
Surađujemo s najnagrađivanijim brandovima
Ponosno opskrbljujemo više od 1.000 veterinarskih klinika i pet shopova na 3 različita tržišta
Dalibor Došen, Director and owner at HOP d.o.o.
" Successful cooperation. A company that is ready to provide support when it is most needed. Top brands offer. "
Ivana Presečki Lončar, Srebrni Trag, Split
" Our cooperation with UNCONDITIONAL has been going on for over 6 years now. You have met all our expectations and every day you support us in offering the best to our clients. All praise for the organization and service, friendly and attentive staff, from salesmen and telephone operators to delivery people, always ready to help and make our work easier. We look forward to even more successful cooperation in the future. "
Danijela Radovniković, Ljubimac, Makarska
" I would like to express my great satisfaction with our long-term cooperation. We have been cooperating for many years and you are by far my best supplier. Regular delivery, excellent communication at all levels and business conditions are just some of the facts that put you in the first place. "
Mario Jekešić, Pet Shop Nera, Zaprešić
" Within 10 years of professional and pleasant cooperation, we have witnessed the partners development in all segments. Always available and patient, attentive, professionals in their work. We look forward to further cooperation with joint forces for further progress. "
Ljiljana Jekešić, Pet shop Zeleni vrt, Zaprešić
" In more than 15 years of cooperation, there have been ups and downs, but with hard work and mutual respect, we managed to maintain a good relationship. Guided by love and care for animal friends, we build our partnership for the better. "
Dr. Sanja Bišof, ZooKut - Veterinary ambulance and store
" Our cooperation started when my business idea was at the beginning of writing a business plan. From that moment on, our cooperation became even better, a very warm recommendation for your colleagues who are always ready to help, explain the assortment, are always there to help and advise when I am in doubt about a product, inform me on time about promotions. It is really pleasant to work with you! You are a great support for me in the beginning of my business. The range is wide and covers every area that is needed for pets. Thank you for the past, and we look forward to future cooperation. "
Dr. Predrag Vakanjac, Vet4Pets Slatina
" Our journey together is long lasting. UNCONDITIONAL, back then ZooHobby helped me a lot during the first filling of my small pet shop. I have the feeling that I am talking about my friends, not business associates, that describes a certain part of the quality and how I feel about it as a customer. The relationship with sales reps is very friendly! Thank you and I look forward to further cooperation. "
Hrvoje Alerić, Pet Shop Macao
" We would like to take this opportunity to express our satisfaction with the long-term cooperation to mutual satisfaction. The assortment is rich and varied and presented regularly and in detail, I would especially like thank sales rep for his effort and commitment and raising business cooperation to a higher level! "
Surađujemo s uzgajivačima u čitavoj regiji
Ponosni smo što uzgajivačima nudimo hranu koja je optimalna za nove naraštaje ljubimaca (štenaca)

Ema's Angels, Breeder
"Kroz suradnju s UNCONDITIONAL-om našim psima pružamo najkvalitetniju prehranu, a djelatnici su uvijek susretljivi i spremni pomoći što poslovanje čini jednostavnim."
We are into cooperation for the long run. Every day is important but we are interested in joint trust-building relationships.
U1974 is a connecting point between customer needs in our region and product benefits that global suppliers offer.

We work with breeders around region
We’re proud to supply breeders with the food optimal for young generations of puppets :)
Jakov Novak, breeder from Osijek
Breeders Club is a community of like- minded professionals that is supporting me in this challenging job.
Silva Rakočević, Owner and veterinarian in Goldi clinic
UNCONDITIONAL is very professional and always there for us. They stand for quality — I choose Acana or Orijen for my furry clients.
We work with award-winning pet brands
We’re proud to supply more than 1.000 vet clinics and pet shops in 4 different markets